Race Coverage

Records Tumble at Big Lake...

rocker.pngGRANITEMAN CLEARWATER - Mercurial Wade Cruser collected his fourth win of the season at Big Lake Sprint last Sunday. He was fast, too. A 1:01:49. He probably didn't know that Marcus Stromberg's 2010 race record was only one second faster. Had he had this info, he may have been able to drop another second or two along the way.

In any case, Wade's effort was remarkable.

Also remarkable was the fact that he was able to stay ahead of eventiual runner-up Casey Miller, who has been hot lately. Casey had posted three consecutive Ws in the weeks leading up to Big Lake.

As he did at the Clearwater, the second of the three race Graniteman Series that culminates at Big Lake, 45-year-old former scrummer Greg Dummer placed 3rd overall.

The Big Lake Olympic Tri, in its sophomore year, was won handily by David Holden, whose 2:00:52 bettered the 2015 CR by 2:53, and Kelly Trom, who also CRed. Her time was a goodie: 2:16:48....


Team Minnesota's Sheena Dauer placed 2nd (2:21:24) behind Trom. She, too, managed to post a faster clocking than the winning one last year.

Approximately 350 athletes particpated. RESULTS

MINNEWASKA TRIATHLON - MItchell Clayton, 19, appears to be a shoo-in for yet another Junior of the Year nomination. Heck, he may even win it this year. Last Saturday, he recorded his three outright win of the season, doing so at the 12th annual Minnewaska Triathlon. His impressive 50:59 was 2:38 faster than the runner-up effort. Ninety-five individuals finished the race.  RESULTS
