Race Coverage

Jet Lag is a Real Thing...

HL_barcelona.pngED. Lots to talk about in the next few days. Minnesotans rocked at Duathlon Nationals, several winning national titles, in beautiful Bend, Oregon this morning. - RESULTS - And the "Usual Suspects" prevailed at Average Jo. RESULTS


By Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

Ironman 70.3 Barcelona Race Report - It’s finally time for a very belated race report.  Last fall I knew I was going to be headed to Israel for memorial week for a wedding.  Knowing it would be tough to train while there I wanted to make this a mid-season mini break.  Looking over my race options I found Barcelona 70.3, Chattanooga 70.3 and Rev 3 Knoxville.  If I did a 70.3 a low training week/time off would make the most sense.  After checking out the course for Barcelona I couldn’t stop thinking about doing that race.  A rough swim in the Mediterranean Sea, a hard bike with climbs into the mountains and a flat run along the beach, a perfect course for me!  I wasn’t sure if it would be worth it with the extra travel hassle, jet lag and having to lug a bike around Israel.   When I found a flight that stopped in Barcelona for less than 200$ more than I was going to pay to get to Israel, I was sold, this was going to be epic....


It was definitely an epic race course and what felt like an epic race fail on my part.  I arrived in Barcelona Thursday morning after a long overnight flight getting only a couple hours of uncomfortable upright sleeping on the plane.  After an hour cab ride I immediately swam and ran, both felt horrible.  I could barely run my easy pace without feeling like I was dying.  Friday running was no better and I felt horrible on the bike.   I tried to rest up, stay positive and relaxed but my body just didn’t come around by Sunday. READ MORE
