Race Coverage

"The Game of Chase"....

Ruth-TN.gifBy Ruth Brennan Morrey (from Facebook)

Chattanooga 70.3 Race Report - A beautiful day in Chattanooga! I absolutely love this place.
Unfortunately, I didn't earn an opera singer escort today. I was out of the water in 21st place, and biked/ran my way to 8th place in a field dominated by fast runners. Let me tell you, it is HARD to run down runners. I tried with all of my might!
Swim: Non-wetsuit for pros and minimal current in the river swim (closed dam). The swim course also went upstream for the first 350m which all together, yielded typical swim times by all athletes.
Transition: Was exiting T1 with my bike when I realized I still had my swim skin around my hips. Had to run the bike back and chuck it near my spot. I've always been baffled by how that could possibly happen to athletes (until today). (Forgot to tell you that AC :)).  ...

Bike: Tricky course of non-momentum building rollers. Legs lacked the umph today but kept hustling along! Beautiful course along the Tennessee river valley.
Run: The game of Chase! I just love running so much, and love the feeling of running fast, catching athletes one by one, embracing the hurt...until the road ends. Its like my little ice cream cone reward for sticking it out until then. Stellar runners in the field today.
Thanks to those who followed and everyone on the RBM team! A very special thanks to coach Alan Couzens for making me a better person, and as a result, a better athlete. Much work to be done in the coming months with the ultimate 2016 goal of racing Ironman Wisconsin! Surely Bucky will remember me!...RESULTS
