Race Coverage

Bring on Kona!

IMOO-2015-142.gifBy Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)

Ironman Wisconsin could be characterized as a comedy of errors so ridiculous that really all I could do was laugh and stay positive, refocus after each one and keep moving forward. In the end, I couldn’t have asked for a better day and a happier finish line! I gave it everything I had on my all-time favorite course and chased the light – and, realized a really BIG goal (and PR!). Bring on KONA 2016…!


Race mornings are all the same… a way-too-early alarm, espresso in the Bialetti with full-fat coconut milk, gluten free sunbutter toast and final bag prep. Nick and I stayed with my good friend Kate just a few miles from the terrace, which made for an easy, stress-free morning. We got to the terrace with plenty of time and after tire pumping, body marking and dropping off our T1 + T2 bags, we met friends Sarah, Kyle and Nick, who were also racing, and coach Andy at a quiet spot inside...


SWIM // 1:08:44-ish, 1:38/100 yd

Nick, Sarah and I made our way through the masses bobbing in the water to the black ROKA buoy marking the inside line. As we treaded waiting for the cannon – the race is a deep water start (my favorite!) – I made sure to soak it all up… the sea of athletes, the spectators packed on shore, sunrise. It’s a beautiful sight. 

Before I knew it, we were off. Because I swim just inside the buoy line during an ironman, it wasn’t too chaotic, but I still had to swim around plenty of people and got hit by flailing arms a few times.
