Race Coverage

"You Gotta Want It"...

MA-and-Hubby.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com - Oct. 12)

You gotta want it…
Interesting day…a learning day…a day I have no regrets about and one I will always remember.  

One year ago, October 12th, 2013 I was running down the Queen K with a pain in my leg so intense that at one point I just didn’t feel it anymore.  I never once, for not even a second, thought about stopping or even walking.  Every part of my being wanted to run down Ali Drive and cross the finish line.  It was my dream and something I thought about every single day in training.

Now, exactly 365 days later I’m running through the streets of Chicago with a similar pain and some foot pain along with it…nothing like a year ago…but they were both singing to me from the word “go”.  At mile one I knew the finish ...


was probably not in the cards for me today. Not because my body couldn’t handle it, but because I wasn’t willing to go to “that” place.  “That” place is special to me and reserved for only the most important races.  Today, the Chicago Marathon was not going to get that honor.    

It takes passion.  I truly believe we are all capable of so much more than we think is possible.  The interesting part of the puzzle which needs to be there is…. passion.  There is no dream and no goal too big if you have it…the passion.  We all need to do what WE love and then anything is possible.   
What I found out today about myself is my passion and my goals don’t involve the Marathon Olympic Trials. ...READ MORE
