Race Coverage

The Most Virile Guy In Columbia Heights...

Big-Bro.gifRace Fast, Blog Slow

By Matthew Payne (matthew-payne.blogspot.com)

#$%!$$#%^@! I spent like 3 hours writing this post a couple nights ago, published it, watched it actually get a few page views, and then it just... disappeared. Poof.  Gone. Somehow it got rolled back to a not even close to complete draft version from several days prior.

FU Google... providing me this service for free and still somehow giving me less than my money's worth. The nerve of some people. So here goes take 2. Please don't eat this one internet gremlins.

In much happier news, Tiffany and I are proud to announce that we have another kid on the way! Due in December. We haven't decided on a name yet. Mikey (photo) suggested "Fishy" and "Dinosaur". We've taken those under consideration.

Speaking of Mikey, he is now the strider bike champion of Huset Park. I suspect he'll be legit pedaling on 2 wheels by the end of the summer.

I've raced 3 times since my last update.  All 3 races went very well. Writing about them has been a much greater struggle, but hey, I'd much rather be killing it at the races and sucking ass at blogging than the other way around.

The Pre-Race Jams

Destroy Everything by Hatebreed has a nice positive message. I am saying that without a trace of irony by the way. It really does. I don't care what you're doing when you're listening to this. It could be something totally mundane like folding your laundry. But dammit, you're gonna fold that laundry faster and better than you've ever folded it before or die trying. READ MORE

ED. MTN will post Matt's blog post about his Best of the US experience as soon as he writes it. Stay tned for that. It will be a hoot.
