Race Coverage

Thick Hair, Pink Pants & a Very Tall Guy...

nordicaRace Coverage - Nordica Stocker (photo L) is very pretty and has really thick hair. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Did you also know that her favorite color is orange? And that she unashamedly watches the "Real Housewives of (fill in name of city here)" and is really sad because Amy Winehouse died? (FYI, We are, too!)

And did you know that she won her first multisport race last Saturday?

And she did so with panache....

The race was the 3rd annual Cinco Du Mayo Sprint Duathlon, which consisted of a pair of two mile runs bracketing a 10-mile bike segment, and fielded 142 eventual finishers. Her time was 58:16, the 2nd fastest women's time in the brief history of the race, and it was 2:08 quicker than her runner-up clocking in 2011. Dominating her gender stevethroughout the race, Nordica's eventual margin of victory was a blubbery 10:05.

The performance made Ms. Stocker very happy.

The men's short course winner was Erich Heneke, who is a very nice guy in addition to being extremely tall. Like 6'5" or something. Erich's time was an impressive 52:54, which lowered the course best set in 2011 by Tri Rochester teammate Mederic Hall, by 42 seconds. Heneke's improved significantly over the last few seasons. In 2010 he needed an hour and three minutes to cover Cinco's routes. Way to go Erich!

Placing 2nd (55:08) in the men's race was Steve Stenzel, who attributed his performance to the flamboyant new pink, plaid bike pants he was debuting. The sartorial factor at work. CINCO SHORT COURSE RESULTS

