Bail-Out For Pro Triathletes...


daniela.pngBy Kelly O'Mara (triathlete.com)

And the Collins Cup won't happen in 2020.

With races around the world being canceled and postponed indefinitely (or until the fall), many pro triathletes have found themselves without pay checks for the foreseeable future. To that end, the Pro Triathletes Organization announced yesterday it would pay out $2.5 million in bonuses to the top 100 female and 100 male pros, per the PTO’s world rankings. And it will pay out immediately. ...

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Gaby, Shyanne, Dani, Maggie & Rachel...


In our last post we discussed the absence of seven prominent male triathletes from the 2019 Minnesota racing scene. Today, we talk about five talented women that did all, or all but one, of their races at out-of-state events. As with the guys, we do not fault them for this. We respect their freedom (or their coach's freedom) of choice. Still, we are huge fans of these athletes and wish there were more oportunities to watch them perform. And as we noted about the men, we miss these athletes because they elevate local events from both a competitive and social standpoint. In other words, they are not only great triathletes, they are totally cool people.

They are:

GABY BUNTEN - In 2019 Gaby raced in six tris, all major events, in other states or countries. We understand this. She is a National Champion (2018) and two-time USAT Athlete of the Year honorable mention, and she seeks out the most competitive races, especially National and World championships. In 2018, three of the nine tris she did were on Minnesota soil.

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Out Of Sight. But Not Out of Mind...


201joeshead.png9 was an odd year. Many of Minnesota's most decorated triathletes opted to race exclusively, or almost so, out-of-state, or in two cases, not at all. This was especially true for men, so let's focus on them here.

There were seven guys, only two of which raced on Minnesota soil, albeit only one time each, that we had hoped to watch often in 2019. Six of those men made Team Minnesota in 2018, but only two--Sean Cooley and Jordan Roby--earned spots last year.

Their absence bummed us out. As athletes who set high performance standards, we missed watching them race. Even more perhaps, we simply missed seeing them, talking to them, hanging with them. They are all super-cool guys who elevate the events they do, both competitively and socially.

We respect an athlete's right to create his or her own schedule; i.e. to race wherever they want. However, our state's tri scene has been shrinking for much of the last decade, losing at least 40 races during that stretch, and, in our opinion, ...

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COVID-19: What Coaches Need to Know...


By Jeff Sankoff (trainingpeaks.com)

At this point, nearly everyone knows about the dangers presented by the Coronavirus, but as coaches, what do we need to tell our athletes?

What is COVID-19? Where did it come from? 

COVID-19 is a newly discovered, novel Coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that circulate widely and are commonly found in humans and many mammals such as cows, camels, cats, pigs and bats. Normally, Coronavirus infection causes a mild respiratory illness that we think of as a ‘common cold.’  ...

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Better Than Money...



By Danny Welch (thehill.com)

The benefits of routine exercise have been well documented. Blaring headlines tout weight loss, muscle gain, lower cholesterol, improved mental health, sharper focus, stronger bones and a stronger heart, among other improvements.

But a new study has shown that exercise may actually be more important to happiness than wealth.

In a large survey of 1.2 million Americans, researchers from Yale and Oxford universities have shown that people who exercise are markedly happier than people who don’t — even if they have less income.

The study, just published in the leading medical journal Lancet, shows that people who are active report they have 35 days of poor mental health a year. Those who are sedentary report an average of 18 additional down days...

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