A Graphic Smorgasboard...

carolBy Bonnie Marley

Movie Review - The remaking of classical movies terrifies me. I don

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More Poetic Stuff...

By Bonnie Euphony bonnie book

Twas the night before Christmas

And all through the land

Not a triathlete was sleeping

But rather making a plan

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Smooth Headed Paragon of Patience...

mealGoing Off Course - Are we what we eat? If so, what about bulimics? What are they?

We digress.

Minneapolis triathlete / Engineer / former bathroom cleaner / head-shaver Chris Hawes sent us the photo of some stuff he likes to eat (photo L). If he is what he eats, what does that make him? And what is that stuff? He calls it "German Meal." Huh? (Admit it. It looks scary and totally yummy at the same time.)

People gotta be more than just what they eat, don't they? Aren't they also the other things they fill themselves up with? Aren't they, what they read, what they watch, what they think, who they hang with, who they love? And stuff like that?...

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Bonnie Reviews "Zombieland"...

zombielandBy Bonnie Golem

For pure mindless entertainment that is sure to get you into the holiday spirit, Zombieland (2009) is action packed, gruesome, and chuck full of comedy relief. The idiosyncratic group of main characters that bond together include Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), whom also does a creative narrative (Jesse is a shoe-in if the movie industry is ever looking for a young look-a-like for Mick Jagger), Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson), Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin).

The plot comes together as Columbus, a terrified teen just trying to stay alive, teams up with shotgun lover and Twinkie addict Tallahassee. They unwittingly fall prey to two girls who take them hostage. Eventually the Zombie killing assemblage bands...

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Tattoos, Mom's Dumplings, and Heinz Ketchup..


(photo - The impossibly good-looking Penticoffs - L - R - Olivia, Scott, Jenna & Renee)

Going Off Course - Triathlete / ultra-runner Scott Penticoff has two Chinese symbols tattooed on his upper back. One means "Father." The other means "Friend." Being a good father and true friend are what Scott strives to be every day of his life. If you know this special guy, you know that he has world class credentials in both areas.

It's unlikely that you'll ever meet a better man than Scott Penticoff....

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