Diva Dashing & Trail Shoes...

diva*Diva Dash Race Gearing Up For Second Year (Final Stretch Release)

More than 1,200 Expected to Run in Women-Only 5K and 10K Races Benefiting the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance

(MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., October 28, 2011) For the second year in a row, more than a thousand women from across Minnesota are expected to lace up their running shoes and race in the Diva Dash on Saturday, Nov. 12. Located in Circle Pines, Minn. and one of the largest women-only races in the state, the Diva Dash is organized by Final Stretch, Inc. and benefits the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MOCA). MOCA is a Minnesota-based non-profit dedicated to raising awareness and funding research needed to detect ovarian cancer early and treat it properly....

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Why We Race....

dave & mark(Famous Photo - Two guys racing.)

By Mark Allen (for Xtri.com)

Have you ever asked yourself why you race, especially a triathlon as grueling as an Ironman? I have, partly so I can remind myself of my own motivations and partly so that I have an answer ready when people ask me. "I love being in great shape" sounds like an overdose of overkill to someone who confides in you that their fitness is limited to walking Fido when their kids have too much homework to take him out. "I race to test myself" does little to connect the incredible feeling you get completing an Ironman with an inquisitive out of shape coach potato sitting in the seat next to you on the plane.

So why do we race? What is so fun about keeping going when your body is screaming for you to stop? What's so fulfilling about ending up with blisters and walking funny for a few days? What is it about crossing a finish line that has us replaying that moment and all the day's unfoldings over and over in our...

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The "Josh Riff" Award...

josh(Photo - Josh Riff. Had the Long Distance Athlete of the Year award been instituted in 2010, the Riffster would have won it, hands down.)

Minnesota Multisport Awards - Our final 2011 MMA nominees are in the new Long Distance Athlete of the Year category, and are contending for what could be called "The Josh Riff Award."

In 2010, Riff won THREE half IM races but went home empty-handed after the Tri Night festivities. It was clear that the MMAs needed to honor those who excel in long distance races. If Josh didn't deserve an award last year, nobody did.

Because the new award category was not announced until mid-season, the MMA Selectors chose to make the rules and criteria as simple as possible. To be eligible for consideration, an athlete must....

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Boutique Dogs, Underpants Runners & Mega Crushes...

dog* CANINA BOUTIQUA - Woodbury triathlete Angie Schmidt has a new puppy. Her name is Ruby, she's eight weeks old and unbearably cute. She is a RAGOM. We don't know what that means. Could be one of those boutique breeds, like a Bernardapoo, or a Boxerdoodle. Let's assume that the "RA" stands for Rat Terrier. The "GO" refers to a Gordon Setter, and the "M" is for Mastiff.

* MACHISMO STUFF - Bloomington triathlete Tiffany Storms really likes Randy "The Natural" Couture. Ever heard of him? Neither had we, so we Googled him. He's a martial artists guy who was in the movie, "The Expendables," which is about a band of former elite mercenaries who are now in their 70s. In the film they...

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Matt Payne Winning BOUS 2011

still frame links to youtube video

Check out this awesome footage of Matt Payne winning the 7th annual BOUS National Champs last month. Payne earned a Performance of the Year nomination for his effort. This clip also includes Patrick Parish's 2nd place finish. Cool stuff!
