Elaine and Mike...


Since 2011 when she was nominated for Rookie of the Year, ELAINE NELSON has amassed 20 triathlon victories.


What a crazy year it's been.  I remember thinking in March 2020 that our summer / racing schedule probably would be a little different..... but I didn't think that pretty much all the races would be cancelled!

I was really hoping to do a Half Ironman last summer....So I decided to do one with my husband (and have the grandparents watch the kids).  It was a humbling experience.  I had an 8 min lead after the swim and extended that to an 11 min lead after the bike.  When we started the run, my legs were pretty tired (probably from biking too hard) and I started to walk / run at about mile 3.  By mile 8, I hobbled to a stop at the side of the road as my legs completely cramped up (and I couldn't move).  I needed to get a ride back to his parents' cabin as my legs would seize up every time I tried to bend them!  ...

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Joe, Bettina, Christel and Meleah....


In 2020, JOE ADRIAENS demonstrated improved short course speed proving that he is ready to win races. (photo L)


Hey MTN!

I will for sure be back to race next year along with Emma! As for encouraging words to would-be participants: Take a chance on something new. The MN triathlon community is one of the most welcoming groups of individuals I have ever seen. You don’t need the most expensive bike or wetsuit. Use something borrowed to help get your foot in the door. For anyone with questions feel free to direct message me and I will gladly help answer any of your questions or concerns! Can’t wait for 2021... - Joe Adriaens


From 2016 to 2019, BETTINA KEPPERS won six triathlons and collected a total of 16 podium finishes...(Photo R)...

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Wiberg, Roberts and Swenson...


Winner of at least nine multis in his career and former Master of the Year nominee ANDY WIBERB has his sights set on a couple late summer races:


Hey MTN,  hope you're doing well. It's unlikely I'll be able to get back into race form anytime soon with all the current challenges. I'm hoping maybe late season I can get a race or two in. It sure will be motivating to see many of the big names back this year! Take care. - Andy Wiberg


CHRISTINA ROBERTS reached the 25-win mark in 2019 and plans to add to that total in 2021. She's also psyched about reconnecting with friends in peers.


Hey MTN! So good to hear from you....

I definitely plan to race this coming summer. I don't know exactly what it's going to look like but as of right now, I have deferred entries into 70.3 Des moines and Nationals but I definitely  plan to race in the local races like usual. I'm just waiting to see how everything shakes out with COVID .... I miss racing and and I miss the community.

I think people are pretty excited to get back out to racing (including myself) and I can't wait to reunite with my favorite type A people :) - Christina Roberts (photo L) ...

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Tackling Your First Sprint Triathlon....


By Bethany Rutledge (Triathlete.com - February 27, 2019)

“If you can run or walk a mile, you can train to complete a sprint triathlon.” This statement, originally coined by Jim Boylan, the founder of the Atlanta Tri Club, has held true for almost all tri-hopefuls throughout the years.

But that doesn’t mean it’s easy, nor does it sound simple when you’re first starting out. From choosing a race to embarking on the first daunting weeks of training, here are some of our top tips for beginners.

Picking the Right Race

It can be overwhelming to choose your first race. Let’s look at the most important factors to consider....

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Making Plans...


Tcherylhead.pnghree-time Minnesota Master of the Year CHERY ZITUR is anxious to race in 2021: 

Happy new year! I plan to race this summer starting with Buffalo!  ... Doing Stillwater (Square Lake) at the end of last season got me excited for a 2021 season!! I have missed the sport, friends and the amazing MN courses.  - Cheryl Zitur (photo R)


Six-time Master of the Year KEVIN O'CONNOR discusses his friendly rivalry with WADE CRUSER and MIKE BUENTING...

I did sign up for Clearwater and Apple already so I've made a bit of a commitment. ... I'll do HOLT.  If I'm not feeling too old I'll race at Milwaukee (Nationals).  I'm turning 50 and I officially turned old over the past 6 months.  Outside of a third cardiac ablation I also have lost any ability to read smaller than a 40pt font, lost half my hearing, blisters from Wild Parsnip, developed  Gout in two fingers, and had Shingles for 6 weeks (all in 2020). But, I know that I won't need to do any pool training to come out of the water ahead of Wade and MIke.  Not saying the race will end that way but at least I won't get pummeled from gun to tape.  (Except at Apple) - Kevin O'Connor (photo L) ...

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