The Battle of the Carbs...


By Cami Eckhoff

Fueling and hydration - this aspect of endurance training caught me by surprise last year. I guess you could say I learned the hard way. Migraines post race (all but 1), headaches after long training sessions, terrible side stitches during two of my races, didn’t go to the bathroom once during my half Ironman of 5 hours… can you say DEHYDRATED! It was my own battle of the carbs - I knew I needed them and was told approximately how many per hour for my long sessions and races but I was still skeptical of it and thought I would put on extra weight because of it, so I skimped on it and didn’t take time to learn what would work best for my body so I could maximize my time on the course. This 4th discipline of triathlon is just as important, so is the 5th, rest… but that’s for another day!

Now that I have a greater understanding of the science behind it and the importance of it from listening to many podcasts on fueling and hydration for endurance sports and working with my coach, there are general principles and guidelines to follow as well as a variety of ways to fuel (gels, chews, drinks, etc) and each athlete needs to figure out what works best for them...

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Why is Triathlon So Popular for People Over-50?


By Rashelle Brown (nextavenue.org)

If someone asked you to name some lifetime sports, you'd probably list golf, tennis, hiking, nordic skiing or pickleball. What probably wouldn't jump to mind, is the grueling swim-bike-run of triathlon. That's why we were surprised to learn that a high percentage of triathletes — as many as half of participants in some races — are over 50....

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Hope, Belief & Rodents...



By Shyanne McGregor

I’m the 1950’s, Curt Richter performed an experiment in which he put domestic and wild rats in a bucket of water to see how long they’d last before they drowned.

 Domestic rats lasted two minutes. Wild rats, normally strong swimmers, lasted just a bit longer. 

Curt had an idea why they drowned so quick. So he tested his theory. The next time, just before drowning, he took the rats out, held them and helped them recover, then put them back in. This time….they treaded water for 60 hours. Why?? They had HOPE! They BELIEVED  they would be saved and pushed their bodies far past what they previously thought possible. ...

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Finding Your Adaptation Zone...



By Cami Eckhoff

After recognizing some training errors over the past few months that unfortunately led to injury, I decided it was time to educate myself more. I’ve been listening to @runsmarterseries podcast and working with the amazing @shyanne_mcgregor. Knowledge is power.

I am starting to jog again with a conservative increase and monitoring week by week (5 minutes slow jog, 1 minute walk for 40 minutes).

If you’re just getting into running, I recommend tuning in to the first 10 short episodes to hopefully start and stay an injury free runner!

Here are a few takeaways I had:  ...

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John Needs Us...


MTN is interrupting its usual content formatting to post some very important information about a Rock Star member of our triathlon community who is fighting for his life. Our dear friend John Snitko needs our help.

We should all GoFundMe -  LINK

CaringBridge - LINK

So many of us have anxiously awaited those ever important results at events over the last 30 years. John was often the man behind those results. If you don't know him personally, you certainly know, and have benefitted from, his work. He is a kind and caring man who reaches out to help others. His wife Jill has been a champion to him, a rock to the family as she so wonderfully cares for him in such a devastating time. Funds raised will go directly to them for out of pocket medical costs, comfort care/items they may need, or just a little extra for them to do something fun. They are humble and hard working. We had to coax them a bit to let us help....

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