More Chisago Half Stuff...

Michelle* MIA MICHELLE - Liberty Half winner Michelle Andres (photo L) was one of the favorites to win at Chisago last Sunday. Curious about her DNF, MTN contacted her on Monday, via e-mail.

- MTN - Michelle, what happened? Are you okay?

- MA - I'm fine. Thanks for asking. The swim was ok...got lost in the fog, but didn't lose much time. Bike was ok. I pulled my hamstring over the winter and really have to baby it. I don't think I've ever completely healed it. I rarely ride my bike this summer. The only time I ride is when I do a race or with my tri class I help run. I know myself well enough that if I started the run I would push through and probably make it worse. I have to remember and remind myself that triathlon is only cross training this summer for the marathon (ED. Michelle's gunning for a Sub-3 at TCM in October), so I called it a day when I got back to T2. Always hard to do, but it was probably best.

- MTN- We admire your prudence. What position were you in when you arrived in T2?...

- MA - Not sure. Jan was within sight up until mile 45 and Jenny Wilcox passed me in the last five miles. I wasn't pushing the pedal too hard at the end, but I don't think too many girls were in front of me. I might have been if 5th coming into T2.ann

* GOLDEN DEBUT - Ann Snuggerud is totally rocking this season. Among her highlights are podium finishes at Timberman and Lake Minnetonka. Still, she went into the Chisago Lakes Half with rather low expectations. It would be her first 70.3 and she was more concerned with finishing than, say, breaking five hours. Racing conservatively, perhaps a bit more tentatively than necessary, she reached the finish line looking strong. Her time was impressive, a 4:56:15, which was good for 9th place overall in the women's competition. Good stuff, Ann. Way to go!

We don't have a photo of Ann. Too bad. She's totally pretty! But we do have a shot of her beautiful daughter (R), who looks a lot like her mom did when she (Ann) was a child.

ruth* ROOKIE OF THE YEAR - Ruth Brennan Morrey (Photo L with a bald guy) of Rochester, enjoyed an amazing half IM debut at Chisago, finishing 3rd! overall in the women's race. Her time was 4:43:20 and featured, unsurprisingly, an incendiary run split (1:24:03). Ruth has raced in only three multis this season (and only two before that!). She WON the other two events--Falls Du and RochesterFest Olympic--she entered this year.

Hopefully, Ruth will wear her Big Hat to Tri Night '11 / MMA Presentation next November.

* MARTA'S WORDS - How good was this year's Chisago Lakes Triathlon? Former Minnesota Rookie of the Year and totally wonderful person, Marta Lewinski (photo below), sent these glowing words to Race Director Gloria West:

gloriaDear Gloria,

I wanted to thank you for the great race on Sunday! Although I had a difficult time with Asthma, I found the support on the race course

to be absolutely wonderful. Had it not been for such stellar support, I might not have finished. It was a difficult day for me with the asthma.

I have completed several Ironman 70.3 events and found Chisago half to be just as well run, if not better -raising the bar! The transition areas were very clearly marked. The racks had plenty of room and the designated numbers on the racks provide less stress for the type A-ers (and for those who B typers have to be parked next to them AKA - ME! ha ha). I could see all my type A friends relax a notch at their spaces as well.

The swim, well, no one could help the fog, and 2 more bouys would have helped to keep the 6 or 8 occasional random people who were swimming "into" us returning on the swim- from doing so. I was totally impressed however- the lifegaurds were RIGHT ON- right there and so vocal in helping. I could see and hear that they were right there for anyone around me that got scared or vocal or started moving away from the direction we were supposed to be heading in. They were the most active lifegaurds I have ever seen in a race..and willing to paddle quickly. I really felt as if they were trying as hard as they could! All of them were really really great, especially in that fog. You had a great group of people out there on those boards. They all tried so hard and cared, and put in so much effort. Maybe you will thank them for me? I was so grateful.

I also wanted to let you know that the trees in the transiton area and the little bluff and winding finish line made for a favorite finish experience. It seemed so spectator friendly. All the spectators and my friends who came to watch were so mobile and free to move around- which made them happy as well. That big grill station is A+ as well!

I also found the course was interesting.. and the volunteers on the bike portion were right there- right on. They had the tops open on the gatoraid (NEVER happens :) so that you can grab the bottle and set it right in your bike or drink right away and keep moving.

The red arrows at every corner were really really easy to see and it was amazing to see so much police support. I felt completely safe the whole bike race. Thanks for taking care of us!

The run course was so well supported, the volunteers were so positive and attentive and they had everything, and kept us well hydrated. The ice on the course was so nice. I was able to have ice 3 times and it made a big difference in the sun. Thank goodness for the ice. My lungs were so tight but having the ice kept my core cool so that I could keep moving. Had I not had the ice, I would have had to walk more than I already had to. I was so thankful that you had well stocked aid. I brought my own gels because there is not always good support, yet at your race, I found some one at every stop ready with gel in hand. Wow. Never happens.

Thanks for the great mile markers on the run as well, so helpful mentally.

Lastly, your race photographer "Jon" helped jog/walk me in the last miles as he was heading back to the finish to take shots. I saw him taking photos and cheering for everyone prior to my reaching him up ahead. I remember thinking that it great that he is helping everyone to keep going. Most photographers are silent...he was so joyful to be out there and was really really helping others to make it through.

Thank you for all your hard work and effort, it truly was the best experience (minus my own difficulty) I have ever had in any race in the last 6 years of racing. Thank you thank you! Great job!


Marta Lewinski

blister* BLISTER-ZILLA - Despite having developed a blister the size of a walnut on the Big Piggie of her right foot, Suzie Finger still managed to set a personal best at Chisago. Her 4:56:49, which placed her 11th among a stellar group of girls, was 1:01 better than her previous best, which was set at the Gator Half in Florida last March.

* RECORD BOOK - Many described this year's half IM course as "deceptively difficult," nevertheless eight AG records were set this year.

15-19M - Eric Anders (Belle Plaine, KS) - 4:31:36 (Previous - Luke Gruhlke - 5:00:33 - 2010)

40-44W - Marnie Walth (Bismarck, ND) - 4:45:36 (Previous: Angie Schmidt - mike4:53:56 - 2010)

45-49W - Julia Weisbecker (Mendota Heights) - 4:55:36 (Previous - Suzann Mouw - 5:03:10 - 2010)

50-54M - Tom Krenz (Chisago City) - 4:41:19 (Previous - Terry Alexander - 4:42:39 - 2008)

50-54W - Jan Guenther (Long Lake) - 4:44:38 (Previous - Barb Kuhlmeier - 4:52:57 - 2010)

60-64M - Mike Colaizy (Osceola, WI) - 5:17:00 (Previous - Eugene Garver - 5:36:49 - 2007) NOTE: This was Mike's 5th divisional record of the season. He also owns the 55-59M CR at Chisago. Colaizy is also a sharp dresser. He looks especially dapper when he wears his cowboy hat - photo R- and his "man-pris." Sorry, we don't have a pic of him in his pris.)

60-64W - Charlene Barron (Wayzata) - 6:09:59 (It was good to see Charlene, who has been absent from the tri scene for a quite a while. We're happy to report that she still has a great tan.)

julie70-74M - Pete Quirin (Sparta, WI) - 6:09:18

* MAKING HISTORY - We're feeling guilty because all the stuff in this post has been about the Chisago Half. In a too-little-too-late attempt to ameliorate this, we will acknowledge the 2011 women's sprint champion, Julie Hull (photo L). For Hull, it was her 11th career victory and in the process she became the first athlete in the history of the Chisago Lakes races to have won both the half (2008) and the sprint.

Congrats, Jules! And congrats to all who participated the the 2011 Chisago Lakes Sprint. Like the half, it was an awesome race.
