Smooth Headed Paragon of Patience...

mealGoing Off Course - Are we what we eat? If so, what about bulimics? What are they?

We digress.

Minneapolis triathlete / Engineer / former bathroom cleaner / head-shaver Chris Hawes sent us the photo of some stuff he likes to eat (photo L). If he is what he eats, what does that make him? And what is that stuff? He calls it "German Meal." Huh? (Admit it. It looks scary and totally yummy at the same time.)

People gotta be more than just what they eat, don't they? Aren't they also the other things they fill themselves up with? Aren't they, what they read, what they watch, what they think, who they hang with, who they love? And stuff like that?...

They gotta be. Check out the the things that fill up Chris Hawes. You'll learn that he is a totally cool and impossible-to-dislike guy who lives with a person named "Girlfriend." He loves movies and books, ice cream and pie and English ale. He can't function until he has his first cuppa in the morning and he's a paragon of patience.


Name: Chris Hawes

Age: 36

Where you live now: Minneapolis since last April, Saint Paul for the previous 5+ years

Where were you born: Born in Kenosha, WI, moved to Eau Claire, WI when I was 14 and went to high school and undergraduate in EC.

Education: Bachelor of Science in Physics from UW-Eau Claire and Masters of Materials Science from UW-Madison (Go Badgers!)

Occupation: Senior Applications Engineer at Rudolph Technologies (Bloomington, MN). I just started working part-time, nights and weekends, at OptumHealth Performance, helping wherever needed.

Former Occupations: Dishwasher, bathroom cleaner, floor mopper, grocery bagger, stock boy, physics homework and test grader, undergrad research assistant, part-time farm hand, physics lab assistant, graduate research assistant, defect metrology engineer

Family: Living with my girlfriend, no kids (photo above)

Pets: No pets yet. Someday when we get a house, get a puppy

Tattoos or other mutilations: Nope

chrisBest physical feature: My shaved head? So, I
