Wise Guys...


Photos - L - R - Brian - David - Scott - Greg

Minnesota Multisport Awards - The official nominees for the Minnesota Male Master (age 40-59) of the Year are: Brian Bich (44, Duluth), David Holden (42, North Hudson, WI), Scott Penticoff (40, Woodbury) and Greg Taylor (56, Mankato). Brian is a four-time winner of this award; Greg is a perennial MOY nominee and four-time winner of the Grand Master award before that category's age-range was adjusted to comply with USAT policy. Scott is a two-time Most Improved nominee. This is David's 2nd MMA nomination....

He was nominated in the now-defunct "Comeback of the Year" category.

Why weren't World-Classers Tony Schiller and Rhett Bonner nominated, you ask?

After hours of molten debate, it was the conclusion of the MMA Selection Committee that Schiller's season was solid but abbreviated (4 races), while Bonner's was inconsistent, especially when compared to his brilliant 2009 resume. The nominated athletes raced more often and were perceived to have demonstrated more consistency.

Still, it feels weird not having Tony and Rhett in the mix. What needs to be understood here is that it is not always the best athletes who get nominated; it's the ones who were the most successful during the season in question.

When you peruse the resumes of the nominees we think you'll agree that they all deserved their nominations.

2010 Competitive Highlights:

* Brian Bich - 3rd amateur/ 1st Master @ Pigman Sprint; 4th overall / 1st Master @ Heart of the Lakes; 4th 40-44M @ USAT AG Nationals (21st overall); 5th / 1st Master @ Lake Waconia.

* David Holden - 1st overall @ St. Paul Olympic (1:55:25-MR/2nd fastest men's time in race history); 2nd @ Croixathlon; 2nd @ St. Croix International; 7th / 1st Master @ Manitou; 10th overall / 1st Elite Master @ Life Time Fitness.

* Scott Penticoff - 3rd overall / 1st Master @ Chisago Sprint (Masters Record); 4th overall / 1st Master @ Oakdale Duathlon (Masters Record); 4th / 1st Master @ RochesterFest Olympic (Masters Record); 7th overall / 1st Master @ Minneman (Masters Record).

* Greg Taylor - 1st 55-59M @ Ironman St. George; 3rd 55-59M @ Hawaiian Ironman World Championships; 1st 50+ / 7th overall @ Square Lake Sprint; 1st 55-59 / 14th overall @ Timberman; 1st 55-59 / 14th overall @ Turtleman.

The MMAs will be presented at Tri Night 2010 on December 4. Event details to follow.

Who do you believe should be named Male Master of the Year? Use the "ADD COMMENT" feature below to share your thoughts.

ATTENTION NOMINATED ATHLETES: Please contact MTN at your earliest opportunity. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
