Planking & Coffee on Messenger...



Hi MTN Guys:

We talked about submitting a little something or you when we were planking last Saturday (4/18).  I put together a little article and am including some pictures.

Covid-19 has forced many of us to be creative in our isolated circumstances.  We have a special group of ladies who congregate and train together most Saturday mornings.  Our regimen consists of running, planks and bonding over coffee afterwards.  When social distancing recommendations began in March, we began to rationalize how continuing our Saturday runs would probably to be okay, but quickly peeled the scales from our eyes and knew the right thing to do would be to discontinue our cherished gatherings....

This group has a special connection and we weren’t going to let a pandemic stand in the way of staying connected.  Every Saturday at 9:30 after each of us has completed our solo workout, we continue to do our planks and catch up over coffee via Messenger.  We all are committed to doing our part right now.  We are just as committed to cultivating our connection with each other.

Athletes, as important as triathlon is to all of us, we believe the friendships and the support they provide are much more important.  Our sport will returfunnyfaces.pngn, the races will be scheduled again.  Let’s not lose sight on the lessons these times are providing.  Covid-19 might take triathlon away from us, but it can’t take away the special connection that this sport has blessed us with.  In the end, that is really what’s important. 


Sorry, adding it to an Apple email got weird.  Hope you can get the photos okay.

The ladies in this group are Pam Stevens, Bev Soukup, Judith Peters, Judy Murray, Amy Woolsey, Beth Wengler and Chris Nehring


Thanks for letting us share with you.

Chris Nehring 
