Daily Check-in...


ED. We got this wonderful note from Tim Timmerman last weekend. Please check it out, and his new tri blog, too.


Hey MTN Guys,

So last winter I had just started training for triathlons after getting convinced to do it by some of my friends. However I didn't really do ANY of the sports. I had taken up swimming just a couple of years before, but I didn't own a bike or really do much running. But I guess that didn't stop me. So in hunting for triathlons I discovered Minnesotatrinews.com. It was a great resource for finding potential triathlons.

Then I actually started reading it. The names didn't mean anything to me, but the stories were interesting. Then as I continued to read the stories, the race recaps etc I started to learn the names. It turned out the woman I had been swimming with at the Y was none other than Elaine Nelson. I had no idea I was swimming alongside someone "famous". Ted Triese and I share a coach so I started following him. After Superiorman (I did the 41.5), I pointed out people to my wife that I knew from the website. It was fun to feel like I was hanging around with "stars." ...


Minnesotatrinews remains a daily check in. I open it every day at lunch. Reading the great stories, links to blogs that I try to find time to read etc. Winter is a slower time of course, but the indoor tri's and other things keep it interesting as we fight through the doldrums of indoor training.

So I wanted to say thanks. I appreciate the work you put into the website and despite continued little injuries I am looking forward to a second season of middle/back of the pack multisport racing.

Tim Timmerman

