Erin's Five Favorite Running Routes in Minneapolis ....


By Erin Klegstad (sweetsweatlife.com)


I’ve been lucky enough to run in some pretty beautiful places – Whistler, BC; Coeur d’Alene, Idaho; along the California coast; the Bahamas; and Kona, Hawaii....


But nothing quite compares to running at home in the city of lakes: Minneapolis. When I moved here 10 years ago, running was how I met new friends, explored my new city, and learned about places I’d never have discovered otherwise (like the bunny along the creek!).


Those new places – all of them along water – quickly became my favorite, go-to running routes. From a dark winter after-work runs to the Church of the Sunday Morning Long Run, the dedicated running paths that connect the corners of Minneapolis are one of the things that make this city stand out.

With that, in honor of the Twin Cities Marathon yesterday, my top five road running routes in Minneapolis!


1 – the lakes loop

This loop includes Bde Maka Ska, Isles and Harriet. The paths around these lakes are usually packed with other runners and walkers, so it’s the perfect place to run when you need a pick-me-up and want your run to fly by. Run one lake or all three, depending on your distance. Bde Maka Ska is about three miles around; and Harriet and Isles just under three each.
A couple tips if you run here. One – there’s free parking at the Lake Calhoun Executive Center on weekends and weekdays evenings. And two – there’s a water fountain (and real bathroom!) at Lola’s Café (formerly Tin Fish).  READ MORE
