Dream Follower...


“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire”



By Erin Ladendorf

In breaking news, I quit my job.

After many, many years in the bar industry, I’ve decided that my passions are taking me down a different career path. 
After 16 years in a restaurant, I have spent countless hours behind the bar, made thousands of mojitos, done more clopens than I can count, forged some amazing friendships, drank gallons of Jameson, and walked away with tons of stories to tell. 

But as I reflected and thought about the moments that made me the happiest in life, I continue to come back to the health and fitness world...


Completing an Ironman was the best day of my life, and continuing to better myself every day through training and working out gives me more joy than anything I’ve ever experienced. So why not just do that for forever?

I am going to do what I never thought I could do, and I am going to make my passions into a career. I don’t exactly know what that looks like yet, but I am so excited to dive into the unknown and see what happens. I will be starting by doing massage again at Lifetime. Then I will hopefully be lucky enough to join my favorite people @flyfeetrunning as a coach to help inspire and guide fellow athletes along their journey.

Do what makes you happy. Be your authentic self. The rest of it is just white noise along the journey. 

And man, I am going to have one hell of a story to tell at the end of mine.
