Gratitude, Sadness & Optimism...



THANKS - To KEVIN O'CONNOR for 15 years of tireless work that made Minnesota's multisport scene one of the best, if not THE best, in the US. We hope he trains hard and races often in 2018. If he does, he'll once again assert himself as one of our country's very best masters. He's won national awards before, and we hope new ones are in his immediate future.


THANKS - Thanks UNCLE RANDY (photo L - Randy Fulton and Smokey) for all you've done over almost two decades for our multisport community. Though you will not be producing races, you will be serving races as a timer. We're glad that your smile and joyful spirit will remain part of the scene.


THANKS - To JUDI and VICKI for taking over Uncle's Randy's great races. It's good to know that Oakdale, Du, New Bri Tri, St. Paul Tri, Square Lake 70.3 & Sprint and Fall Classic Du are not going away.


THANKS - To the porducers of the ELYSIAN TRIATHLON for scheduling their 2018 race--the 30-somethingth--on July 7, which is smack-dab in the middle that gaping two-week hole in the middle of our tri calendar....



SAD - We just learned that, after ten years, the awesome LAKE MARION TRIATHLON has been cancelled. Chuck and Phil have done a great job producing a terrific event at a spectacular venue, but like so many races these days, it is no longer financially viable. Hopefully, when our sport rebounds, and we're already detecting signs that this process has started, the LMT will be resurrected. 

At it's peak (2011-2013), 83 outdoor tris/dus were staged on Minnesota soil annually. Currently, 53 outdoor triathlons and duathlons are scheduled for 2018. 



