Kendall Jenner, Croatian Cable Cars & Boutique Dog Food...



If we could, the MTN Guys would give special Christmas gifts to all of the multisport athletes in our state, and for the last several years we have revealed the presents we would give to members of Team Minnesota if we were solvent enough to do so.

We are so not solvent enough to do that.

Yesterday, we posted the gifts that we won't be giving to the men of Team Minnesota. Here are the gifts we won't we be giving to the Team Minnesota women:

  1. GABY BUNTEN – After looking at the “Likes” on Gaby's FB page, we want to give her tickets to a Drake concert and a European shopping spree with Kendall Jenner.

  2. KORTNEY HAAG – We can't really give gifts, we can only reveal what we'd like to give. For Kort, we'd like for time to slow down so her kids don't grow up too fast. We'd like to postpone the onset of Empty Nest Syndrome as long as possible....


  3. CHRISTINA ROBERTS – Christina is totally into Country Music, so we'd like to have her replace Blake Shelton as a coach on The Voice next year.kendall_jenner.png

  4. ELAINE NELSON – Elaine loves snow sports and is an elite Nordic skier. We want to send her and her family to the winter Olympics in Beijing in 2022.

  5. NICOLE HEININGER– Did you know that Heiney played hockey at UW-Eau Claire? She totally did. We want to give her tickets to the Stanley Cup finals.

  6. doggie_food.pngDIANE HANKEE – A devote Saskatewanian, we want to give Diane tickets, plus travel and lodging, for the Moose Jaw stop on the Barenaked Ladies 2018 Kraft DinnerTour.

  7. DANI VSETECKA – Dani's family is originally from Croatia, so we Googled that country to see if there was any fun stuff to do there. There totally was. We discovered that there is a thing called the “Dubrovnik Cable Car,” which connects Srd Hill and Dubrovnik's Old City. Views from the cable car are spectacular, featuring the azure Adriatic and the Eliphiti Islands. There's a snack bar at the launch point where cable-car-ers can get authentic Croatian junk food, like Cevapi and Sarma. We want to cover the costs of sending Dani, and her mom, who is awesome, to Dubrovnik.

  8. SUZIE FOX – DOG FOOD! Lots and lots of doggie food! We want to get her a year's supply of healthy, yummy boutique canine chow, the kind that get positive reviews on barkpost.com.

  9. MAGGIE WEISS – Checking out her “Likes” on Facebook, we concluded that Maggie has great taste in everything: books, movies, music etc. We want to get her some custom shelves for her books, CDs and DVDs.

  10. KELLY TROM – We want to give Kelly nice things for her home, like Granite countertops, a Sleep Number bed, Jell Wend windows, and one of those little round robot vacuum cleaners that roam around the house.   
