Gilbert Gone...

skipBy Dan Empfield From slowtwitch.com - USA Triathlon (USAT), America's USOC- and ITU-recognized governing body for the sport of triathlon, announced the departure of its executive director Skip Gilbert.

Tim Yount, a longtime USAT executive whose service spans several executive directors, will take charge of the organization on an interim basis, until a replacement is selected.

No one on USAT's board of directors, or on its staff, would speak on the record as to the reason for Gilbert's departure, or indicated whether it was voluntary or whether Gilbert was asked or ordered to leave. Several members of the organization's board indicated a majority of the board voted to constrain all board members to silence about Gilbert's dismissal, such board-imposed silence extending to USAT's staff as well...

Several sources, some speaking on background, cite a board teleconference taking place on Thursday, August 26th. During that meeting the subject of Gilbert was raised. An objection was tendered, arguing that no discussion of Gilbert was on the meeting agenda, and should therefore not be discussed, per USAT board meeting rules and custom. The objection was overruled by a majority of those attending the meeting. What commenced was labeled by one attendee a "palace coup."

The meeting, according to those who were in attendance to whom Slowtwitch spoke, turned to a question of whether it was appropriate for Gilbert to have granted a contract to his wife's firm for interior design work performed at USAT's offices. According to those to whom Slowtwitch spoke familiar with the work, Gilbert provided disclosure of the conflict of interest prior to any contracts being awarded. Using Gilbert's wife's firm saved the federation thousands of dollars it might otherwise have spent for the work, according to two sources' estimates.

Still, there were legal requirements set forth in Colorado state law as to how conflict of interest notice, and competitive bidding procedures, were to be carried out. These procedures were not followed, and multiple sources maintain that neither USAT's board president(s)
