Youtube & Boston Creme Pie Donuts...


By Sara Carlson (sarastrilife.blogspot.com)

I went to Junior High and High School in the beautiful Bitterroot Valley in Hamilton Montana. That is where I went on my very first run. I still remember the feelings of intrigue and insecurity as I made my way through the riverbed path with my friends behind the dirt track at Westview Junior High. I was in 8th grade. The sweet smell of the mountain air rolling off the Rockies and the feeling of exhilaration that I had when I finished was enough to get me hooked for life....


After racing in the IRONMAN World Championship 2016, I was ready for a change up. I still remember all-too-well that splitting headache beginning at mile 30 on the bike and progressively getting worse as the miles slowly ticked by. I took good long break from biking after returning home from our two week vacation and can really say I thoroughly enjoyed some downtime in the off-season. After the intensity of the heat training and dedication to do what it took to get across that finish line in Kona, I was not eager to set any new goals and decide what was next.

But, after some long hours sitting in the tree stand by myself this past deer hunting opener, I had made up my mind to return to my roots and enjoy running for the love of running. I set my sights on qualifying for Boston and shared my exciting news with my son as we were hunting together on the last evening of opening weekend. His comment to me was, "Mom, you just want to go to Boston so you can have their pizza." Ha! I guess he knows his Mama!  READ MORE
