Swim Cords, Stationary Bikes, Stairways...

swim_cord.pngTips and tricks for transforming travel lemons (broken treadmill in the hotel gym?!) into lemonade.


By Chris Foster (triathlete.com)

You know the drill. You’ve got a swim on your schedule, but no lap lane in sight. Or a run, but you’re staying right off the freeway by the airport with no sidewalks around. Fret not! Just because you’re on the road doesn’t mean your training must suffer. Presenting six inventive ways to keep your swim-bike-run on track when you can’t find one.


Good: Stay in a hotel, motel, Holiday Inn, campsite or highway underpass—it doesn’t matter! Bring along a pair of swim cords (Finis, $32, Finisinc.com), and attach to a doorknob, tree or roadside...

guardrail. While stroke count can be useful, dry-land workouts for time are better. Be sure to attach the cord roughly at waist level, bend from the hips and keep your trunk taut while pulling through the entire stroke—no snaking.

Better: Stay somewhere with a pool, any pool, even if it’s in the shape of a Disney character or an amoeba or an ice cream cone. If the pool is long enough to actually swim in, the easiest way to measure your workout without constantly checking your watch is counting strokes. At home, find out how many strokes per length you average for a 50 interval, a 100 interval and a 200 interval (they will be different), write each down and use those as your baseline for workouts.  READ MORE

