Ten Things Your Coach Wants You to Stop...


By Carrie Barrett (active.com)


As triathletes, we do a lot of things right. We’re disciplined, driven and extremely passionate. We’re also rule followers and, for the most part, do as we’re told. Coaches love this about triathletes. However, sometimes that zest for the sport can lead us to do things in training and racing we shouldn’t, and we get a little overzealous in our quest for progress....


Unfortunately, these things can eventually lead you down the slippery slope of injury or burnout. This is where a good coach will step in and say, “I wish you would stop doing that!”

My husband likes to say he trains to alleviate stress in his life, not to create more of it. Being a triathlete is a choice and, dare I say, a gift you give to yourself and those around you. What other hobby in life allows you to do all the wonderful and carefree things you did as a kid? Every day you get to swim, bike or run is your own adult version of recess.

If you're not having fun, take off the gadgets and just hop in the pool for some easy lap swimming. Get back to the basics in all three sports and do them for the sake of fitness and exercise.

If you need a change of scenery, hop in a shorter distance race or register for a challenging obstacle course.

If you're simply no longer having fun in the sport, take a break and see if it beckons you back. I'm willing to bet it will. Triathlon is sneaky that way. You know why? Because, at its core, it is afun and unique way to challenge yourself to be a better person.

