Great Advice...


By Sara McLarty (triathlete.com)

Things getting rough in the water? Combat negative thinking with these techniques....


Your mental outlook toward swimming can have a tremendous effect on your results in the water. When things get challenging, do you stay positive and motivated or tend to go through bouts of negative self-talk? Negative thinking creates stress and destroys your self-confidence, which can hinder performance.

The process to change your feelings about swimming is more than just “think positive.” Self-talk for success must be positive, but it also needs to be believable and achievable. The first step is to be aware of your thoughts and actions before, during and after a swim practice. Listen to your internal monologue and make notes of how you are talking to yourself. Observe how you are presenting yourself to the world. Would you say the same things or act the same way toward your best friend while watching him or her swim?

The next step is to look at each negative thought with rational thinking. Challenge each one with a rational answer or explanation:

“I am a terrible swimmer.” Are you consistently putting in the pool hours to become a better swimmer? Are you receiving coaching and tips from knowledgeable resources? If you are swimming laps in a pool, you are a better swimmer than a large percentage of American adults who cannot cross the pool.  READ MORE

