Become a Faster Runner (Without Running)...

Unknown.jpgBy Mark Eller (triathlete.com)

Endurance athletes are a hardworking lot, so the promise of “free speed” often strikes us as empty, and maybe even a touch offensive. However, once you get us talking about improvements we have made in training, gear or diets, we are usually eager to share the discoveries that have helped improve our performances. That’s the goal with this article—to share some well-documented techniques that could help you get faster on the run specifically, beyond the obvious (and undeniably effective) advice to run more miles and train harder.

Wear Lighter Shoes

Researchers have established that reducing the shoe weight by 100 grams typically yields about a 1 percent increase in performance. That’s a pretty big gain that could be...

especially noticeable over longer distances. However, like most of the tips in this guide, there are some limitations to keep in mind—not every runner will benefit from switching to racing flats or other super-light shoe models. If the cushioning or shoe stability is inadequate you will lose efficiency and give back any potential performance gains.

Get a Proper Warm-up

“Ninety percent of success in running comes down to a willingness to work hard and sacrifice, and being consistent,” Coach Alan Culpepper recently wrote. “The other 10 percent comes down to areas like diet, hydration, stretching and injury prevention. A proper pre-run warmup routine is part of that 10 percent. It might seem inconsequential, but it can make or break a race or hard workout.” Read Coach Culpepper’s warmup advice here.  READ MORE

