2016 Junior of the Year....

img_0553.pngBy Mitchell Clayton (mitchellclaytontriblog.wordpress.com)


The title says it all. After 5 seasons of triathlons, over 50 races, hundreds of workouts, and three nominations, I’ve finally won the Minnesota Multisport Award for Junior of the Year.

There are three things I can say about winning this award and getting this recognition…

Motivation. Ever since I found out about the whole MMA thing, I’ve been driven to get Junior of the Year. It’s been in my mind during every single workout and every single race.  I’ve pushed myself harder because of it, it’s focused me, and it’s motivated me to do things that would otherwise have been easy to choose not to...


Thanks. I could not have done this alone.  No way.  A lot of people deserve thanks, but my parents do more than anyone. My dad drives me to every race on his weekend mornings, he helps me pay for some of the expenses, and my mom also supports me at races and helps make me all the food I need to fuel up. My girlfriend Claire deserves a ton of thanks too.  She supports me at a ton of races and deals with me selfishly putting workouts before us sometimes. Thanks also goes out to Jerry MacNeil for putting together the MMAs as well as for all of the kind words on minnesotatrinews.com.  Thanks to Kevin O’Connor too for opening up his bike shop to host the awards and for the huge impact Gear West has had on the triathlon community.  READ MORE
