Find Your "Why"...

Mikey_B.pngBy Mike Buenting (mikebuenting.wordpress.com)

As a coach I work with many types of athletes I see all kinds of people with all kinds of goals from competitive age group athletes to elite athletes to high level varsity high school athletes.

Some have great passion and motivation and some lack that. Some have the drive to keep moving and progressing and some don’t. Some are truly runners, swimmers, or cyclists and just live to do that each and every day and some are seasonal more bucket list recreational types.

As a coach this can be frustrating because I’m looking for athletes that have a vision, a goal and a passion for what they do and want to achieve. I’m a very dedicated and committed coach who will work very hard to keep the athlete focused and hold them...

accountable! I believe my success lies within their success and so I want them to succeed because I want to succeed as “coach” and not fail.

So this leads me to this question for each person to answer.  “Why” you need to identify why you are doing something you need to have a clear goal in mind a vision and the motivation to want to see that goal to the end. And when you can answer why you are doing something it will help keep you focused and taking the steps needed to achieve that success. The “Why” can be anything from weight loss, to podium finish, to a Boston qualifying time in the marathon?  READ MORE
