A Great Letter...

emmersonHey MTN:

During the Tri-Night 2009 awards celebration last September, I was one of the embarrassed few who could not raise a hand to the important question raised by one of the presenters: "How many of you volunteered at a race this year?" This immediately sunk in and I became determined to make sure I would be able to answer in the affirmative in 2010. With this in mind, earlier this year I registered to volunteer at the upcoming 2010 Ironman Wisconsin event (my wife and I will be wetsuit strippers and medal distributors). Even though I was only planning on one volunteer stint this season (at IMW), I'm happy to report that I will now have at least two.

You see, earlier this week, my entire family caught some sort of fever bug and we were sick as dogs for a few days. Even though I felt almost 100% by the end of this week, I decided that it would be best to not race, so I relinquished my spot ..

at Turtleman and took a DNS. This bummed me out because I love Turtleman -- to me, it is a wonderful August race with a great course/venue and even better competition. My brief sullen attitude was quickly erased, however, when I discovered that there was a volunteer position still open! The spot was for the watering station on the run course at Mile Marker 1.7 (along County Road I) -- aka Water Station No. 2.
