Important Stuff About Overtraining...

Overtraining.gifBy Dr. Michael Williams (premiersportsandspine.com)

Overtraining is an issue many runners, cyclists, and other endurance athletes alike might not truly understand even though they may be doing it. A plateau or decline in athletic performance typically take a toll mid-season when athletes are trying to fit in too much volume and not enough rest and easy days or improper nutrition. Fortunately there are ways to detect and take care of such an ailment before it sidelines any hopes toward your remaining season goals.

Clues typically include being over-fatigued and feeling burned out. Be weary as many expect to feel that way…but you’re not. World-class athletes wake up fresh, not tired. If they wake up tired, red lights go off. This expectation is...

why declining performance in overtraining often spurs an athlete to make the situation worse by training harder instead of taking a needed rest day.

Overtraining can result in chronic microtears in athletes’ muscles, a factor in tendon and joint injuries. To stay ahead of this frustrating situation, follow the tips/advice below. If you have think you may be experiencing overtraining or any of it’s results, contact one of the Sports Chiropractic Physicians at Premier Sports and Spine Center today to discuss how we may be able to help and provide proper direction.

Tips to stay ahead of Overtraining:...READ MORE
