Why Kids Should Do Triathlons...

kid-finish.gifBy Mary Ryerse (usatriathlon.org)
(This article was originally published on Getting Smart.)

We’ve heard the story too many times – the kid who gets cut from a team never tries out again, or worse, shies away from physical activities altogether.

How about writing a different ending to that story – one that is actually a beginning? Tony Schiller did. He was cut from seven different teams as a kid only to become a six-time world champion amateur triathlete and a finalist for USA Triathlon’s Triathlete of the Year award....


Tony and his colleagues wanted to make sure all kids had a chance to enjoy physical activity so they founded Cycle Health and the BreakAway Kids Tri. They are partnering with schools, families, foundations and pediatric clinics to make a difference.

In doing so, they urge kids to be active, help others and prove to themselves what they can do. Most kids (some with adaptations) can participate in swim, bike and run events where it’s not about “who got picked,” instead it’s about “personal best.”

It’s hard to find many more authentic ways to teach a growth mindset. Health and fitness teachers (and governing bodies such as SHAPE), parents and administrators should take note.

While I’ve done a few triathlons myself over the years (don’t ask me about the time when I was in my 20s and got passed on the bike by a 75 year old), it was even more enlightening to step back and reflect on this process as a parent while watching our eight year old participate in the BreakAway Tri. READ MORE
