Swim Like A Triathlete...


By Sara McLarty (triathlon.competitor.com)

You’re not a single-sport pool swimmer, so why would you train like one?  ...


Whenever freestyle swimming technique is discussed, names of fast and famous pool swimmers are tossed about: Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, Katie Ledecky and Sun Yang, to name a few. Their technique is viewed and analyzed from the tips of their fingers to the points of their toes. These record-setting athletes have many commonalities in their technique that can be broken down and taught to young and novice swimmers. The question is, should triathletes be learning the skills to swim fast in a pool, or does the different environment warrant a different technique altogether?

The pool is a very controlled environment, while open water can vary from a calm lake to a rough ocean. Pool swimmers develop an unchanging stroke technique for maximum efficiency while moving through calm water. Triathletes, on the other hand, must be able to change their technique from race to race (or even within a single race) to adapt to the weather and water conditions. Some stroke variations include single-sided breathing away from chop, high hand recovery over waves, and short or compressed strokes when surrounded by other athletes.

Bilateral Breathing
Race footage of pool swimmers will show some breathing to a single side for an entire event. However, a majority of these swimmers will spend 90 percent of training breathing to both sides. They develop a balanced and even stroke during practice and use their dominant side when racing to consume more oxygen. There are many reasons for triathletes to embrace bilateral breathing: the water and weather conditions, the proximity of other athletes, the placement of buoys, the direction of the sun, etc. These frequently shifting conditions require triathletes to be confident breathing to the non-dominant side. READ MORE

