Thinking About Important Stuff...

ma-and-hubby.gifBy Michelle Andres (teamandresjourney.blogspot.com)

Yep…I’ve decided after two weeks that life is just too darn short for me to not have a little sugar in my life and I don’t have the “fight in me” to put training first.  In my last blog I talked about discipline and sacrifice and putting it all out there…here are some of the bits from my last post…

HOWEVER…I know I have more in me.
This last week I finally felt at peace with all the decisions and changes that have happened lately and I’m ready to go all in for IM Wisconsin.
So here it is…I’m giving up all junk food until I cross the finish line at IM Wisconsin.
GAME ON!!  I’ll keep you posted on all that entails along with more on the journey to getting my CR back and setting a new PR.

This last weekend I headed to Madison to get out on the course and try to find the passion for IM and racing.  I learned many things about myself in the few quiet long beautiful days riding my bike....


1. I learned…I LOVE riding my bike…hard courses …ones like Madison that can make my legs burn.  I simply love riding my bike.  When I’m on my bike, the sun is shining, and the wind is blowing my heart smiles.  BUT I don’t need a race to have that experience! READ MORE
