Simple Keys to Success...

charisa.gifBy Charisa Wernick

Often when people ask me what the hardest workout I do is, I reply that it’s not a single workout at all. The hardest part of training is doing these workouts day after day after day. In other words: consistency. Doing a hard workout once brings small benefits. But being able to do hard workouts consistently month after month, in short, yields results.

Putting in the time
A large part of training for a long-course triathlon simply involves putting in the time. It can be easy to get caught up in intensity and heart rate zones or watts, and these training tools can definitely help improve performance. However, many times simply spending time swimming, biking and running consistently will lead to improvements in racing.
Six-time IRONMAN champion Heather Wurtele says consistency is probably the most important aspect of her training, and is responsible for her consistent improvement over the years. "I think people assume that they have to have these epic sessions—and of course there is a time and place for high- ...


intensity sessions or long rides and runs—but the bulk of the work is just getting your four-plus k's done in the pool every day, or heading out the door for another 50 minute aerobic run," she says. She adds that it's not necessarily exciting, but that a lot of value lies in being engaged in each session. "In my experience, it takes years of consistent work to make big gains in the sport, so you have to learn to embrace the process," she says.
Triathlon Squad and Wurtele's coach Paulo Sousa refers to it as getting the work done: "(It's) about consistency. Every athlete has days where it's hard to get out the door for the next workout. Most of the time this is a mental issue that is experienced by athletes at every level," he says. Sousa offers one way of helping athletes with these issues: building the training schedule around sessions that don't need a lot of mental energy to accomplish. "I like to call them 'bread-and-butter' sessions," he says. "They are usually short in duration and low-intensity, but are still a very important part of the overall training program."

Make training work for you
If you know that Tuesdays are filled with meetings and obligations, build your schedule around an easier or rest day on Tuesdays. If you absolutely dread running on a track, do your speed workouts on the road or trails. By building the training schedule around your unique personality and schedule, it will be much easier (and enjoyable) to remain consistent with your training. READ MORE

