Not Resenting Your Triathlete Husband...

resentment.gifBy Laura Radniecki (trueagagpe.net)

The word “triathlon” had very little meaning to me five years ago.
I knew what a triathlon was, and I knew a few friends who had taken the triathlon class offered back when we were in high school. But aside from knowing it included three different sports, and sometimes involved a big race called an Ironman, I didn’t know much.
Oh, how things change.
My husband Matt spent 2005-2009 as an Active Duty Marine, stationed on Oahu, Hawaii. During that time, he did two tours to Iraq. Matt’s time was spent either training up for a deployment, or readjusting back to normal life after returning stateside, leaving little time for hobbies.
In 2010, we had moved back home to Minnesota, and Matt was in an accelerated bachelors degree program at the local college. He was busy, but life looked very different from what it had the previous four years....

I’ve always taken after my dad, and had an abundance of hobbies I enjoy. I love to read, and I love just about any kind of craft project or DIY adventure.
Matt, however, didn’t have a hobby that he enjoyed. He hadn’t had much time for one in the Marines, and now that he was home, he wasn’t sure what interested him. I remember telling him, “You should find a hobby.”  READ MORE
