Ruther Goes to Camp...

ruth-and-dog.gifBy Ruth Brennan Morrey (ruthbrennanmorrey.com)

The New Year kicked off with Magnolia Master’s pro triathlete swim camp in the Woodlands, Texas. The camp continues through the month of January, however, a nine-day stint from January 1st-9th was already quite a stretch from being away from my three kids.

Pre-trip: As parents well know, any trip that the mom (aka Default Parent) leaves the house for an extended period of time, thousands if not millions of detailed tasks need to be completed so that the household can function on all cylinders. Childcare covered, fridge stocked, laundry done, school notes noted, house cleaned, lists made, 3 kid schedules devised and revised, reminders given, and carpools planned, were among the tasks. When I arrived at the airport, I realized in a panic that I forgot something critical so quickly texted my highly competent husband: “Remember to bathe the kids.” Mark hugely stepped up to the plate and I fully realized that, yes, the family CAN survive without me.…short term. The planning took several weeks to nail down, but mission....

accomplished—98% of my pre-trip was done. After this, I tackled the other 2%–tender loving TT bike preparation from Charlie and Matt at Rochester Cycling and Fitness, and my own packing and travel details.

So all this fuss to swim? Was it worth it? Absolutely! ...READ MORE
