HL's Dream Bike Vacations...

scotlandmap.gifBy Heather Lendway (heatherlendway.com)

It’s that time of year where I’m normally thinking about putting my tri schedule together for the year. Since I’m still waiting on some schedules to come out I decided to think about something completely different, my dream bike vacations. So far I’ve come up with four but feel free to comment and give me more ideas. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

1. Scotland

In 2011 I traveled to Europe for the first time. I took a train from London to Edinburgh and rented a car. I drove (on the left side of the road) from castle to castle, through the mountains and by lochs. It was beautiful, unfortunately while driving you can’t take in all the scenery as much as you’d like, I stopped plenty for photos but had I been on a bike I could have really taken it all in. I’d love to go back and ride the route I drove. Check out my map and some of the things I did capture on film in my gallery below.....


2. The Mediterranean Coast from Barcelona to Pisa

I’ve been to many of the cities along the Mediterranean coastline (French Riviera and Italian Riviera) but I’ve only traveled by train. In every city there were plenty of riders out on this very route, making me quite jealous. READ MORE
