They'll Be Back...

1118ironman.gifBy Renee Richardson (brainerddispatch.com)

TEMPE, Ariz. - The day ended earlier than either Gary Walters or Josh Heldt wanted Sunday.

The pre-dawn start and descent down metal stairs into Tempe Town Lake to begin the 11th Ironman competition in Tempe, Ariz. had both men nervous.

As Walters approached the water, he repeated: "I'm terrified." But down the steps he went to join about 2,800 other people who planned to test their bodies, their minds and their wills. While their day ended earlier than either hoped, it could have ended before it really started if they hadn't found something in themselves to overcome their fears. Both men powered through early nerves and a panicky start as they swam to the starting line....


"I couldn't get my breath," Walters said later that night. "I couldn't put my head under the water. I couldn't get calm. I freaked out."

One of the support staff came over to Walters in a kayak and attempted to calm him down telling him this happens all the time. Ironman contestants can steady themselves on support watercraft but can't advance. Heldt was having his own trouble with the water start. Upon entering the lake, more readily described as a long, wide canal, Ironman hopefuls had to swim to the start and then swim 2.4 miles in a single loop. READ MORE
