Impact Weekends...

HL-flag.gif(Photo - Amateur World Champion Heather Lendway will race at Square Lake and One Last Tri.)

The next two weekends of racing could have a huge impact on the Minnesota Multisport Awards. Here are some of the people that we’ll be keeping a close eye on:

SQUARE LAKE SHORT COURSE (Saturday, September 6) – A great performance, i.e. a podium in an impressive time, for LISA LENDWAY would enhance her chances to receive her second consecutive Most Improved nomination and a possible spot on Team Minnesota. Also, CHAP ACHEN is already being discussed for a Master of the Year nomination. A great performance—win or podium—could seal the deal.

IRONMAN WISCONSIN (September 7) – Team Minnesota positions could be affected for SUZIE FOX (photo on page 2.) and NICOLE HEININGER. Great efforts could bump them up the list AND could even result in one of both women receiving a Triathlete of the Year nomination. (Both women are already being discussed for TOY candidacy.)

Also, the Master of the Year category could be affected. The battle between 50-54W stars HEIDI–MILER and TRACY SERREYN should be epic. We see sub-11-hour performances for both women. The winner of the battle will almost certainly receive a MOY nomination.....


MONT-TEMBLANT 70.3 WORLDS (September 7) – SEAN COOLEY’s position on Team Minnesota could be impacted. A great performance would greatly enhance his TOY nomination prospects.

Also, Rochester pro RUTH BRENNAN MORREY will be racing for the first time since her awesome win at Kansas 70.3. This woman is capable on making the podium and our fingers are crossed. Go Ruther!suzy-superiorman.gif

ONE LAST TRI (September 14) – The following athletes will be affected:

KELLY TROM – A Rookie of the Year nomination is on the line.

MITCHELL CLAYTON – A great effort could garner him a Junior of the Year nomination. Getting beaten by a fellow teen could hurt his chances for a nomination.We don't expect that to happen.

RYAN BAILEY – He’s on the Team MN bubble. A win may push him over the top. But he’d probably have to beat KRIS SPOTH, who appears to have a solid lock on a team spot. A win for Spoth could bump him up the ladder a rung or two. A victory in a very fast time could even help him land a Triathlete of the Year nomination.

NICOLE CUENO – Also on the Team Minnesota bubble, a function of low racing volume, not results. (She’s won all three of the tris she’s raced in this season.) Another great effort should be enough. Also, we’d be surprised is she didn’t also grab a Most Improved nomination.

LISA LENDWAY – Her Most Improved and Team MN status could be affected. If she manages to beat Nicole Cueno, a MI and Team MN slot could be hers.

BRIAN SAMES – His performance could impact his position on Team Minnesota.

We just learned that GABY BUNTEN has registered for OLT. Her performance there could have a profound affect on whether she receives a MI nomination and a place on Team Minnesota.
