Jenn's Journey...

jenn-tape.gifBy Jenn Scudiero (for usatriathlon.com)

Running has always been part of my life. In high school, I joined the track and cross country teams. I played rugby in college and ran on my own throughout. I began running more seriously, including racing, after graduation. The year I graduated college I ran my first marathon, and then another, and another. Seven marathons later I was getting a little burned out. Running was still my passion, but I needed to add in something else to break it up a bit. That’s when my husband got me back on a bike. It made me feel like a kid again!

In 2007 I decided to combine my passion of running with my newfound passion of biking and compete in a duathlon. I chose an all-women’s duathlon, Iron Girl, as it seemed a bit less scary at the time. I instantly loved the challenge and camaraderie! I continued to race Iron Girl as well as local running races for a few more years. In 2010, I decided to focus more on duathlon. I added a few more to my racing schedule and haven’t looked back. It has become a part of my life. At the end of 2010, I became pregnant with my daughter. I ran through pregnancy, even running events until 36 weeks pregnant. I resumed duathlon racing again in 2012. I had ....

some bumps and challenges figuring out how to train with a full-time job and an infant, but I was determined. Trying to get my body and mind ready for racing was very difficult. But I raced every duathlon Minnesota had to offer. It was a fun and very challenging year! It was also the year I decided I’d love to take it on the road.

In 2013 I did just that. READ MORE
