Mouthgasmic Summer Fare...

grilling-stuff.gifBy Katie Davis (usatriathlon.org)

With summer here, it is prime grilling time. Light up the grill and kick off the season with these fresh ideas and a recipe for grilled shrimp and vegetable kabobs. Grilling is a healthy way to prepare food for many reasons.

1. Grilling Decreases Fat
Instead of cooking in fat, the fat drips off of the food, which decreases the overall fat content of the meat.

2. Grilling Retains Moisture
Grilling sears the food, which helps retain moisture. This means added fats such as butter are unnecessary, which further helps to reduce total calories....


3. Grilling Retains Nutrition
Particularly when compared with boiling, grilling is a method of cooking that helps food retain its vitamin and mineral content. This means you get more of the good nutrition that the food had when you brought it home.

Don't just grill the typical hamburger or chicken breast. Challenge yourself to grilling these foods, too:
-Fruits, especially pineapple, mango, apple and pear
-Vegetables, especially bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, onions and tomatoes
-Other lean meats such as venison and pork
-Fish, especially shrimp, salmon and tuna steaks
-Pizza! Put your pizza dough with toppings right on the grate — delicious!

Now that you have learned about grilling, try this great summer recipe: READ MORE
