Sexy & Jangus...

Barn-Bluff-63-e140389730063.gifBy Dan Hedgecock (danhedgecock.com)

Back when I did an interview with Slowtwitch, they asked me why I thought duathlon wasn’t as “sexy” as triathlon. I didn’t know the answer at the time, but have recently formulated a theory: There is no palpable fear of death during a duathlon. Sure, you could be crushed by a texting teen driver paying as much attention to the road as she does to her parents’ advice, but you don’t really feel that possibility. On the other hand putting your face into freezing cold black water with weeds that try to strangle you? Now that’s scary.

I’ve come to this conclusion because I recently engaged in a sport much, much “sexier” than triathlon: rock climbing. Rock climbing is about 10x sexier than triathlon. A sport where you have to properly utilize a rope to not die? Very sexy. Here’s a few more reasons why rock climbing is super sexy:

* It’s possible that the rock you’re are clinging to for dear life could dislodge and crush your head....

* The gear that you attach your rope to and hopefully safely anchor into the wall is called ‘protection’.
* Sometimes you climb up a cliff so high that you have to anchor a flimsy tent-shelter to the side of that cliff and then sleep on the side of that cliff.
* Rock climbing routes are all named, usually with something sexy like “Goofed on Skunk Weed” or “Looking For Lust”*.
* You have to use a rope and tie knots in the correct manner in order to not die. (Worth saying twice because it’s so sexy)

