Stuff About Calorie Deprivation...

eating.gifBy Matt Dixon (triathlon.competitor.com)

Triathlon coach Matt Dixon answers a question about utilizing fat as a source of energy by reducing calorie intake during long workouts.

Q: I have heard that to teach the body to utilize fat as a source of energy you should deprive yourself of calories during lower-intensity, longer workouts. What do you think of this theory—is it a smart option for the amateur triathlete?

A: Let’s first look at how nutrition fits as an overall component of training. Many athletes and coaches fall into the trap of viewing each component of...

training as singular entities acting mutually exclusive of other factors. The art of creating a successful approach to training is to always maintain a broad view of the interrelating factors of performance. For example, any training program employed will only be successful if it is balanced with the other life factors that provide stress to you as an individual. A successful training program should be integrated into life, not simply sit on top of life. With this lens, your approach to nutrition will either be a great supporter of training and health (if done correctly) or an additional stressor on your system (if done incorrectly, in terms of quality, quantity and timing). So, as we delve into answering this question, it’s important to maintain a broad view of how nutrition fits in the overall training spectrum. READ MORE
