Screaming Like a Little Girl...

jenn-run.gifED. Minnesota duathletes totally rocked the national racing scene in 2013.(See yesterday's post.) In the end, three--Dan Hedgecock, Ruth Brennan Morrey and Jenn Scudiero--of our state's best run-bike-runners were named US Duathlete of the Year, two taking the pro titles, the other winning the women's amateur award. The amateur champ was Jenn Scudiero, who sent on these words:

By Jenn Scudiero

I started 2013 with one goal: compete in the ITU Duathlon World Championships.  I had never been to the world championships before and I thought it would be a great experience.   I also wanted to see what I could accomplish with more consistent training. I really had no idea how to put together a good training plan, especially for an athlete with  a full-time job and 2 year old.  So, I found someone who did.  After a lot of research, I was super excited to start working with coach Jason Digman from Dig It Tri. ...


A season can feel very long and go by super fast, all at the same time.  I have never trained so consistently and been so dedicated as 2013.  I really enjoyed training, and racing is what I live for. But my season started in April and I raced all the way through the end of October.  By the end I was definitely ready for a break.  At the same time, it also flew by.  I feel like I never really stopped to enjoy everything that was going on.  I came back from the Duathlon National Championships both mentally and physically exhausted.  I have been nursing an injury ever since that I am only now jenn-ottawa.giffinally starting to bounce back from. 


As I look back on the 2013 season, I am still not quite sure how to describe how I feel. Joy? Amazement? Wonder? I did end up qualifying for and competing in the ITU Duathlon World Championships. So…Mission Accomplished. I never expected to take 13th female overall at the World Championships. I also wasn’t expecting to win 7 of the 11 duathlons I raced, or set 2 course records in the process.  When I was setting up my race calendar for 2013, it didn’t even include the USAT Duathlon National Championships. After the world championships, however, and with continued good training, I wanted to see how I could do there. Plus, it was the day before my birthday. Being a race addict, I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my last day as a 30 year old than racing in the National Championships.  Winning the Duathlon National Championships capped off an already amazing season.  I seriously didn’t think it got any better.


Until it did.


When I found out I was selected as the USAT 2013 Female Amateur Duathlete of the Year, I confess, I jumped up and down and screamed like a little girl.  I couldn’t help it, that was pretty darn exciting!  What I had last year was a dream season. I worked harder and more consistently than ever before, but I also couldn’t have done it without my coach, my family, my friends and the amazing athletes and support we have here in Minnesota.  After coming off a season like I had in 2013, planning for 2014 is a bit difficult.  I am excited the Duathlon National Championships will be held here in St. Paul.  Actually, that makes me a little nervous.  I better stop planning and go get in a run and get on the bike…
