Winter Bike Trainer Stuff...

spin.gifBy Bethany Rutledge (triathlon.competitor.com)

If you have the discipline to ride the trainer this winter, then it’s safe to say you want to make the most of time invested. You’ve probably heard a friend brag about watching multiple movies during epic spins, but saddling up for hours with no real focus isn’t going to get you much of a jump on next season. In order to improve, you need to challenge your body by varying intensity, volume, frequency and duration.

Assuming you’re an age-grouper with a limited schedule, you’ll benefit more from adding some type of intensity into your plan year-round instead of cycling at a very low intensity for long periods of time....

Before You Begin
All of these workouts should fit into a larger picture, which needs to be tailored to your goal race distance and time frame. Before you start, set your functional threshold power or heart rate zones to know your intensity levels. Metrics and structure are important to give direction and meaning to your sessions. Also, these workouts assume you have a regular base of weekly cycling for several months. Add in a 10–15-minute warm-up and cool-down based on how much time you have. READ MORE

Photo by John David Becker
