Dating Advice For Triathletes...

UnderpantsRun-04371.gifBy Holly Bennett (triathlon.competitor.com)


The topic of Internet dating — and particularly how people portray themselves in their online profiles — featured prominently in a recent conversation among my friends. I know several veterans of the online dating scene, and their sagas of stretched truths and disturbing surprises (and, fortunately, also some real-life success stories) are plentiful.

This got me thinking: How would one go about crafting the perfect dating profile ......

for a triathlete—one that would draw in-it-for-the-right-reasons attention and, ultimately, an ideal partner? We all know triathletes are absolutely awesome at relationships. We’re healthy, we’re fit and we’re so high on endorphins we’re nearly always happy (unless we’re mid-bonk, when we’re downright cantankerous). We keep everything in our lives—especially the time we spend swimming, biking and running—in perfect balance and perspective. And we never, ever get too self-absorbed. Wait a minute… maybe we do need a little help in the dating department.

But for a triathlete casting his or her love net further afield than the local tri club, there’s an imminent danger. To the uninitiated, a triathlete’s sport/life balance and unusual obsessions may seem oddly askew—enough so that some romantic prospects might flee before ever giving us a fighting chance. So, while I’m a proponent of honesty, I would urge any triathlete in the dating game to somewhat temper your truth. I don’t recommend springing the full extent of your swim, bike and run fetish on a potential partner completely unawares. Filter your endurance addiction—at least until you’ve locked down a second or third date, at which point Cupid’s arrow has generally found its mark, courtship is in full swing and all may be revealed—the good, the bad and the ugly equally glossed over by goo-goo eyes. To that end, here are some guidelines to help single triple-sport studs and studettes create the ultimate online dating profile.

