Another Sander...

steve-evan.gifED. A few days ago we got this ahhhh-inducing note from one of our favorite people, tri-stud Steve Sander.

Hey MTN Guys,

   Evan Paul Sander was born on 11/21/13 weighing in at 7 lbs 6 oz.  Both Evan and Kelly did awesome and there were no complications.  Evan is tall and lanky with hands the size of softball gloves and feet a clown would be jealous of.  Seriously, I think this kid was made to kick/pull water. Thank god because his father was not. Although I'm more hopeful that Evan will take on his mothers brains like his older sister....
     I've always wondered what it was going to be like to have a second child.  There were so many questions.  How can you possibly love the second one as much as the first?  Do you worry as much about the second one?  Do you forget steve-and-kelly.gifeverything you learned the first time around? From what I hear this is similar to a second jump at Airborne School. I've never been, but I've talked to many that have.  If you ask a paratrooper how scary the first jump was most of them will tell you not nearly as scary as the second because the second time around you know what you are getting into.  This is exactly how I felt about a second child. I will say you immediately understand how you can love the second as much as the first from the instant they are born, although it's not something you can explain.  You just do.  I can also tell you I was even more scared the second time, maybe it's because you love your first child so much that you understand the fear of losing the second one more. The first time you are also flying more by the seat of your pants.  The second time you think you have a plan, until you realize you don't.  
   As for what you forget.  I forgot everything.  EVERYTHING!  From how often to feed them, to how often you should let them juggle knives.  I still have no idea. The only thing I remember is to help mom out as much as possible since evan-sander.gifshe runs the show.   
   Kelly and I also worried about how his sister Avery would react to the new little bugger.  We decided it would be a good idea if baby brother buttered his big sister up giving her a gorgeous princess dress.  Avery loved it and him because of it.  I have no idea how long this will last but I'll cross my fingers that it's forever. 
The Sanders