Race of the Year & Female POY.....

superiorman-poster.gifTriathletes Choice Race of the Year - The way this award is determined is as follows: Only events receiving 40-or-more votes are eligible for Top 5 placement. For those races, we divide the number of voters by the number of finishers to determine its percentage of voting participants. Typically a winning race receives support from 13-16% of its participants. Approximately 1100 * votes were distributed among forty-three races, six of which received 40-or-more votes.

From one-to-five, here's how this year's top races fared:

1. SUPERIORMAN - 56 votes/285 finishers = 19.6%

2. TRINONA - 76 votes / 705 finishers = 10.7%

3. BREWHOUSE - 41 votes / 377 finishers = 10.6%

4. YWCA WOMEN'S TRIATHLON - 96 votes / 949 finishers = 10.1%

5. MAPLE GROVE TRIATHLON - 51 votes / 1303 finishers = 4% ....


* The actual number of legitmate votes is not known. It is believed that most instances of "Ballot Box Stuffing" were discovered and deleted.

michelle.gifPerformance of the Year - Women - The Committee concurred that two performances deserved trophies this year, one for short course, wherein super sophomore Heather Lendway WON the USAT AG National Championships in record time, and long course, wherein Michelle Andres (photo L) became the first MInnesota woman to crack the 10-hour mark at IM, doing so at our sport's most prestigious annual event, the Hawaiian Ironman World Championship. Two unprecedented efforts that reset the Olympic and IM bars in our state.

If you had to pick one of these performances to win the POY, which would it be, and why? Use the COMMENT feature below to respond.

