Libido & Endurance Training...

beach-kiss.gifBy Hector L. Torres

As humans we take care of ourselves in variable ways, we swim, bike, run, sign up for races and hit the gym several times a week. We glance in the mirror and we are very happy how our body is looking and we get compliments left and right from our peers and loved ones. ......
It builds your self esteem and your attitude during the day. However, when you are with your partner/husband/wife/boyfriend or girlfriend, you are not in the mood for anything. Especially when you are done riding the bike....

You spend so much time training, trying to achieve your peak performance and go on and on at miles to come… that your sex drive is completely depleted! If and when athletes train too much or too long (ring a bell?), or if they do not prioritize a balanced diet and proper recovery (ahem…), the “stress” hormone cortisol remains elevated. Cortisol is a necessary hormone for decreasing inflammation,  breaking down protein and fat, and for keeping homeostasis. In excess, however, it breaks down too much protein, disturbs our sleep patterns, and impedes proper recovery. This leaves us feeling fatigued, sluggish, and well…not in THE MOOD.

its important to remain balanced as athletes even when faced with the steep training demands of an ironman, 70.3 or other triathlon or endurance event. We have to understand the demands of the sport when it comes physically and mentally. It is an endurance event, so you may find yourself workout out 15 – 25 hours a week. If left unchecked however, athletes can become hormonally unbalanced and in a perpetual catabolic state. READ MORE
